Are We Alone in the Universe? A Biblical Perspective of UFOs

Are We Alone in the Universe? A Biblical Perspective of UFOs

For our next Patterns+ series, Timothy Mahoney and Dr. Fred Baltz will be giving a biblical perspective on UAPs, formerly known as UFOs.

With recent news stories about the US House of Representatives' Oversight Committee discussing UAPs and declassifying videos, many are wondering what to think of these strange phenomena.

Are they the spacecraft of visitors from other planets or could there be something spiritual at work? Dr. Baltz shares important insights from science and a Christian worldview on what these seemingly otherworldly anomalies may be. Is there an angelic connection?

Are We Alone in the Universe? A Biblical Perspective of UFOs
  • UFOs and the Heavenly Host (PART 1)

    Timothy Mahoney and Dr. Fred Baltz share a biblical perspective on UAPs, formerly known as UFOs.

    With recent news stories about the US House of Representatives' Oversight Committee discussing UAPs and declassifying videos, many are wondering what to think of these strange phenomena.

    Are they th...

  • UFOs and the Heavenly Host (PART 2)

    Timothy Mahoney and Dr. Fred Baltz continue their discussion on how to view UAPs, formerly known as UFOs, from a Biblical perspective.

    Certain voices in the culture have attempted to insert the notion of extraterrestrial encounters into the Bible. Passages like the Prophet Ezekiel's vision of th...

  • UFOs and the Heavenly Host (PART 3)

    In this 3rd episode of our series on how to view UAPs, formerly known as UFOs, from a Biblical perspective, Timothy Mahoney and Dr. Fred Baltz discuss angels.

    What are angels and what purpose do they serve in God's Kingdom? How has the media skewed our view of these beings and what does the bibl...

  • UFOs and the Heavenly Host (PART 4)

    In our final episode of this series, Tim and Dr. Fred Baltz conclude their discussion on how to view UAPs, formerly known as UFOs, from a biblical perspective.

    Defining the Heavenly Host further, Tim and Fred elaborate on the spiritual realm and its likely connection to these strange lights and ...