Shiloh and the Tabernacle of the Lord
Tim Mahoney and Archaeologist Scott Stripling delve into the archaeological work being done at Shiloh, the ancient site where the Tabernacle resided for centuries.
Introduction: Shiloh and the Tabernacle of the Lord
People might ask you can we trust the Bible? Well I hope you will have a lot to share with them why they can trust the Bible. In this series the main focus will continue to answer that question.
Go Up to Shiloh
Tim Mahoney and Archaeologist Scott Stripling delve into the archaeological work being done at Shiloh, the ancient site where the Tabernacle resided for centuries. Stripling and his team launched a major excavation in 2017 that is already revealing exciting evidence showing multiple connections b...
Have we Found the Tabernacle of the Lord?
Join archaeologist Dr. Scott Stripling for a portion of the latest Thinking Man Films Lecture Series release “Have we Found the Tabernacle of the Lord? Stripling will discuss the evidence for the Tabernacle and the sacrificial system at Shiloh.
Panel Discussion - Archaeological Challenges, the Bible and Political Unrest
What are some of the challenges that archaeologists face today? Funding, determining where to dig, dealing with new technologies and political unrest.
These are some of the topics that Tim Mahoney will ask this focus’ panel. Scholar participants are Scott Stripling - Director of Excavations at ...
Joshua’s Conquest
Join Jim Scudder Jr. from InGrace and Scott Stripling as they take an in depth tour of the archaeological dig site at Shiloh. You will learn what it takes to uncover 1,000’s of years of history to reveal hidden treasures from the ancient past. This program will be a great encouragement to your fa...
Dig the Bible
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go on an archaeological dig? Join Jim Scudder Jr. from InGrace as he interviews volunteers to learn what it is really like to dig for the Bible.
The Lost Fortress finding the City of Ai
Join Dr. Scott Stripling and Tim Mahoney at the University of Northwestern in St. Paul, MN as they look at a visiting exhibit showing archaeological evidence for the fortress of Ai. The fortress of Ai’s location, destroyed by Joshua during the Conquest, has been a mystery and a controversy since ...