The Red Sea Miracle

The Red Sea Miracle

The Red Sea Miracle focus investigates the questions concerning the search for Pharaoh’s Chariots on the Seafloor. We will look at dive footage of coral taken by Exodus Explorers as they search for the remains of the Egyptian army. We will learn more from marine biologist, Dr. Rober Carter from Creation Ministries International, as to what these shapes may really be. We will hear eyewitness testimonies from divers who claim to have seen and touched one of these chariot wheels.

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The Red Sea Miracle
  • Introduction - The Red Sea Miracle

    The Red Sea Miracle is the topic for this Historical Faith Society focus. Tim Mahoney explains this series' exciting episodes.

  • The Red Sea Miracle 2 Panel Discussion

    Get behind the scenes insights with the Red Sea Miracle 2 panel discussion featuring theologian, Dr. Craig Keener; author, Rabbi Jason Sobel; forensic science educator, Dr. Jennifer Hall Rivera; archaeologist, Dr. Scott Stripling; pastor for John Smith’s family, Jason Noble; filmmaker, Timothy Ma...

  • Pharoah a Shadow of the Serpent

    Discover how Pharaoh personifies Satan, who is also known as the serpent. These types and shadows of the serpent form a pattern that covers the full arc of biblical history from Eden to God’s judgment at the end of time, and events in between including World War II.

  • Miracles: The Numbers of the Israelites

    Does the biblical information favor total numbers of 20 thousand Israelites or 2 million? This question is a complicated piece of the Exodus journey. Go deeper into the arguments for the two main views that debate the true size of Israel’s population.

  • Pharaoh’s Chariots on the Seafloor: Panel Discussion

    Join Tim Mahoney with Marine Biologist Robert Carter from Creation Ministries International, Exodus Explorer Divers Aaron Sen, Ross Patterson, and Andrew Ross.

  • The Border Lakes of Egypt

    Explore the different bodies of water proposed for shallow-water sea crossings near Egypt. Did all of these lakes even exist at the time of the Exodus? How large and deep were they, and were they capable of drowning the entire Egyptian army? See these points and more debated by the different grou...

  • Biblical Place-names at the Sea Crossing

    Go deeper into the case that the place-names used by the Bible to locate the Exodus sea-crossing should be connected to Egyptian meanings and places near Egypt. However, are these connections as solid as claimed? See alternative options that may fit a crossing site far from Egypt.

  • Locusts and the Sea Location

    Where does the Bible locate “Yam Suph” - the Hebrew name for the sea said to have been miraculously crossed during the Exodus? One argument is that the Bible’s account of the locust plague shows Yam Suph to have been a lake near Goshen. However, as usual, there is another side to the story.

  • The Science of Wind Setdown

    One of the most common naturalistic mechanisms proposed for shallow-water Exodus sea crossings is a phenomenon called “wind setdown.” How exactly does this process work, and for which locations is it best suited? Also see arguments for why wind setdown may not fit the biblical narrative as well a...