Sardis, Philadelphia, & Laodicea: Praise & Rebuke with Dr. Mark Wilson
Exploring the 7 Churches of Revelation with Dr. Mark Wilson
In our 4th and final episode with Dr. Mark Wilson, we look at one last fascinating excerpt from our "Exploring the 7 Churches of Revelation" series.
In this excerpt, Dr. Wilson takes questions about the churches of Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Listen to what these churches were like and learn what things Christ was pleased with and what He rebuked.
What can we glean from the archaeological remains and historical context of these sites? How do these things play a role in what Christ said to these churches?
Now more than ever, we need to pay attention to these warnings to the early Church and what each of us needs to consider as we look to our own spiritual health. How should we prepare ourselves in such an uncertain future?
If you're moved by this series you can purchase the full DVD or Digital Download, as well as other 7 Churches resources at our Patterns of Evidence store.
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